What if you could finish your dissertation in 12 months without ever writing on the weekends?

I’m excited to share my exact blueprint on how I finished my 200+ page dissertation in 12 months, while working full-time with a 3 -year-old and a newborn, and never writing on the weekends!

Get the Blueprint

During my doctoral journey...

I always felt exhausted and I seemed to never have the time to dedicate to my studies. I was busy starting a family, decorating our new home, and working a full-time job.

When I did find time to study, I always felt guilty because I was missing time with my family and I felt like I was bearing additional parenting duties on my husband so I could pursue my dream.

Even when I felt like I needed to rest and take a break,  I could never relish in my rest because all I could think about was how I should be studying right now.  

I began to resent the doctoral process, contemplated if I should finish my degree, and even considered if I should put a halt on expanding our family until I was finished.

When you are a working mom with competing priorities in a doctoral program, not having a clear plan and consistent writing schedule will complicate your life even more.  

It’s time to change that!

Let's Change it!

Hello!  My name is Dr. Ashley also known as Doctor Mom.  I’ve been there….

I’ve spent countless hours sitting down to work on my doctoral studies and often got little to nothing done.  I would get mad at myself that I just ‘wasted’ a whole Saturday and several evenings away from my family just to have barely written two pages.  I knew something had to change and I didn’t want to have to wait until I graduated to be the wife and mother I wanted to be.

Challenges I encountered during my doctoral journey included...

Stress and Anxiety

I had constant stress and anxiety around finding the time to study

Lack of Control

I felt like my life was in chaos and I didn't have control


It was difficult trying to keep my house clean, cook, be present for family, perform well at work, have "me" time, exercise, and text everyone back


I often felt guilty in making decisions in missing family events, weddings, social life, etc., because I needed to study


I started to resent the PhD process because it was sucking the life out of me


Imposter Syndrome

I began to question if I was cutout for this.  Am I smart enough? Can I handle this?  Am I capable?